Congratulations to Micah Schaible!

Astrobiology News

Please join me in congratulating Dr. Micah Schaible on receiving the inaugural Georgia Tech College of Sciences Research Faculty Community Trailblazer Award for his leadership in co-founding ExplOrigins — thank you, Micah, for your constant service to the GT astrobiology community, particular ECRs, over the past five years!

More about the awardees and their accomplishments here.

Special Events for AbSciCon

Check out the special events we have on the docket for #AbSciCon2022:
Saturday: PUBLIC EVENT: Register (FREE + required) here:

Sunday: workshops still open (small fee):
T/Th: PUBLIC ONLINE EVENTS: Links will be posted here:
M/T/W special AbSciCon events: check back on AGU website for more details — info coming soon!