12/06/2019: “Easy and Hard in the Origin of Life” Eric Smith (GT)
12/06/2019: “Easy and Hard in the Origin of Life” Eric Smith (GT)
11/22/2019: “Reconstructing a Billion-Year-Old Ecosystem from a Drop of Oil” Nur Gueneli
11/15/2019: “High Impact Chemistry: Design and Testing an Icy Moon Penetrator Organic Analyzer” Amanda Stockton (GT)
11/08/2019: “Planetary Habitability with Two Suns” Billy Quarles (GT)
10/252019: “Reconciling Plausible Prebiotic Chemistry with Plausible Prebiotic Environments” Nicholas Hud (GT)
10/18/2019: “Big Picture from Small Bodies and Small Stats” Kynan Hughson and Phillip Szot (GT)
10/04/2019: “Ocean World Habitability and Exploration” Chase Chivers and Chinmayee Govinda Raj (GT)
09/27/2019: “Biosphere Evolution on Earth and Elsewhere” Anthony Burnetti (GT)
09/20/2019: “Certificate Programs and Training Grant” Jennifer Glass, Martha Grover, & Frank Rosenzweig (GT)
09/13/2019: “Chemical Origins of Life” David Fialho and Aaron Mckee (GT)