Fall 2023 Meeting Schedule:
Time: 10am every other Friday starting Sept 8
Location: EST L1118 or online
Sign-up to lead a meeting! Link: Google Sheet
What is the goal of ExplOrigins?
- To bring together people interested in Exploring the cosmos and understanding the Origins of life
- To provide a space for the discussion of planetary science, origins of life chemistry and biology, space exploration technology, and the search for life beyond Earth
- To bring together researchers and interested individuals from across Georgia Tech and the greater Atlanta area to explore new avenues of collaboration and investigation
- To serve as a networking resource for early career scientists to meet and learn from researchers outside their area of expertise
- To function as a resource for students to communicate and help direct the shared goals of the Georgia Tech Astrobiology community
The ExplOrigins Group is an interest and discussion group with a goal to bring together young researchers with a needfully diverse set of backgrounds to discuss and explore all variety of recent topics pertaining to the Origins and Evolution of Life, the Exploration of our Solar System, and the Search for Habitable Planets Beyond Earth.
Stay Informed:
If you are interested in staying up to date on Explorigins, please join our email list via listserv.
To do so:
1. Send a message to sympa@lists.gatech.edu from the address you want to subscribe to the list.
2. In the subject line of your message, type: subscribe explorigins Firstname Lastname
3. Leave the message body blank.
You can also join our Slack channel by clicking THIS LINK. Slack is the primary channel of communication for students outside of our regular meeting times and is used to further discussions and plan future ExplOrigins activities.