PSAS: Illuminating organomineral interactions within the Western United States and beyond
PSAS: Roles of small bodies in habitability: their influences on the Earth-Moon system and contributions to the water ice distribution on the Moon
Celebrating the legacy of Sandra Pizzarello (1933-2021)
The Georgia Tech Astrobiology community mourns the loss and celebrates the legacy of Dr. Sandra Pizzarello, Emeritus Research Professor at ASU, who passed away on October 24, 2021.
Dr. Pizzarello co-discovered the enantiomeric excess of amino acids in carbonaceous chondritic meteorites, a seminal finding in the field, with key relevance for the origin of life.
She was featured on the Center for Chemical Evolution mural painted by Christine He and David Fialho, shown below.
Her influence on the field of astrobiology burns bright.

PSAS: Applications of Critical Zone Science in the Exploration of Mars
PSAS: Informing Perseverance Rover Biosignature Studies with Raman and Fluorescence Spectroscopy
PSAS: Siliceous hot springs preserve biosignatures, but how well do they retain them?

Speaker: Dr. Marisol Juárez Rivera, Geobiologist in the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University