Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Astrobiology Fellows: Colin Burnett, Jose Luis Ramirez Colon, Sarah Kingsley, Mohamed Nassif, Chad Pozarycki, and Vahab Rajei!
Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Astrobiology Fellows: Colin Burnett, Jose Luis Ramirez Colon, Sarah Kingsley, Mohamed Nassif, Chad Pozarycki, and Vahab Rajei!
Congratulations to Michelle Babcock, our latest Astrobiology Graduate Certificate Recipient!
Speaker: Dr. Laura Rodriguez, Postdoctoral Fellow in the Origins and Habitability Lab at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Zoom Link: https://gatech.zoom.us/j/97735358221?pwd=MnZWeTVQZGVyRUxmSzRHQXNHcWpmZz09
Speaker’s Webpage: https://science.jpl.nasa.gov/people/lrodriguez/
Speaker: Dr. Sonny Harman, Planetary Science Researcher at the NASA Ames Research Center
Zoom Link: https://gatech.zoom.us/j/97735358221?pwd=MnZWeTVQZGVyRUxmSzRHQXNHcWpmZz09
Speaker’s Webpage: https://www.nasa.gov/ames/spacescience-and-astrobiology/sonny-harman
Speaker: Dr. Brad Foley, Assistant Professor of Planetary Geodynamics at Pennsylvania State University
Zoom Link: https://gatech.zoom.us/j/97735358221?pwd=MnZWeTVQZGVyRUxmSzRHQXNHcWpmZz09
Speaker’s Webpage: https://jccwrt.neocities.org/