Dear Astrobiology, Origins, and Space Enthusiasts,
The ExplOrigins early career group invites you to join the 2024 Exploration and Origins Colloquium! This colloquium will have events on two days: a poster session on Feb. 8th (5-6pm) and talks on Feb. 9th. We are thrilled to feature plenary talks by Dr. Jill Mikucki from UT Knoxville and Dr. Masatoshi Hirabayashi from Georgia Tech.
Talks and the poster session will be held in person at Georgia Tech, with a virtual viewing/presenting option for talks. Our aim is to highlight early career projects that explore, conceptualize, celebrate, and discover pieces of space, life’s origins, and astrobiology from any field in the Atlanta area. Through this colloquium, we hope to:
- forge relationships between diverse individuals of various fields, experience levels and backgrounds
- expand our internal awareness of local work and innovations
- encourage collaboration and interdisciplinary understanding
- provide a professional growth opportunity for early career individuals including undergraduates, graduates, and post-docs
General registration and abstract submission are through this form. All early career individuals (undergrads, grads, postdocs, research scientists, and more) are highly encouraged to submit abstracts, due by the end of the day January 26th. To prepare your abstract you will need a title, author/affiliation list, and one descriptive paragraph. The announcement of selected speakers and poster presentations will be made on February 1st.
Thank you for your consideration. We hope to see you there!
The Georgia Tech Astrobiology Fellows
Colin Burnett, Sarah Kingsley, Mohamed Nassif, Chad Pozarycki, Vahab Rajaei, and Jose Luis Ramirez Colon